| Research Papers | OMC has published papers in academic journals or conference proceedings on a variety of topics such as: Single point optical triangulation, Photogrammetric systems, Photogrammetric targets, Subpixel target image location techniques, Camera calibration, Correspondence, Digital Signal Processing, Real-time 3-D measurement, Computer vision. PDF versions of many of these papers can be downloaded. The appropriate reference for each paper is on the last page. |  |  |  | Clarke, T.A. 1998. Non-contact measurement provides six of the best. Quality Today, July, pp s46-s48. (download pdf version 671KB) Clarke, T.A. & Williams, M.R. 1999. Buyers guide to six non-contact distance measuring techniques. Quality Today, Buyers Guide, pp. 145-149. (download pdf version 1.218MB) |  |  |  | Clarke, T.A, X. Wang and A.B. Forbes, A verification methodology for photogrammetry systems, CMSC 2001 (download pdf version 332KB) Clarke, T.A., X. Wang, A.B. Forbes and N.R. Cross, The case for a consistent method of verifying the performance of large volume metrology systems. CMSC 2000 (download pdf version 367KB) T.A. Clarke, X. Wang, N.R. Cross, A.B. Forbes and P.M. Fossati, Performance verification for large volume metrology systems, Lambdamap 2001. (download pdf version 492KB) |  |  |  | Clarke, T.A. 1998. Simple scanners reveal shape, size and texture, Opto and Lasers Europe, Issue 49, April, pp.29-32. (download pdf version 1.13MB) Gooch, R.M. Clarke, T.A. & Ellis. T.J. 1996. A semi-autonomous sewer surveillance and inspection vehicle. Proc IEEE Intelligent Vehicles, Japan, pp.64-89. (download pdf version 76.3KB) Clarke, T.A. 1996. A review of tunnel profiling methods. Internal review paper. (download pdf version 52.7KB) Clarke, T.A. 1995, The development of an optical triangulation pipe profiling instrument, Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques III. pp 331-340. (download pdf version 234KB) Clarke. T.A. & Lindsey. N.E., 1992. Profiling methods reviewed, Tunnels and Tunnelling, June. pp. 29-31. (download pdf version 2.73MB) Clarke. T.A., 1991. Application of optical techniques to surveying, PhD thesis, City University, 305 pages. Clarke. T.A. Lindsey, N.E. Phillips. M., 1991. Optical profile measurement. UK Patent Application No. 9023682.9, Publication No 2238115 dated 22nd May 1991, Filed 31st October 1990. Clarke, T.A, & Lindsey, N.E. 1990. A Triangulation Based Cross Sectional Profiler, ISPRS Int. Conf. on Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision, SPIE Vol. 1395, pp. 940-947. (download pdf version 3.5MB) Clarke, T.A, Grattan, K.T.V. Lindsey, N.E. 1990. The use of laser based triangulation techniques in optical inspection of industrial structures, Int. Symposium on Optical and Opto-electronic Applied Science and Engineering, Proc SPIE Vol 1332. (download pdf version 4.04MB) Clarke, T.A., 1990. The use of optical triangulation for high speed acquisition of cross sections or profiles of structures. Photogrammetric record. pp. 523-532. (download pdf version 1.97MB) |  |  |  | Clarke, T.A. & Wang, X. 1998. Extracting high precision information from CCD images. Proc. Optical methods for heat and fluid flow. City University. (download pdf version 62.4KB) Clarke, T.A. 1995., An analysis of the prospects for digital close-range photogrammetry, Photogrammetry. (Invited paper). ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 50(3): pp. 4-7. (download pdf version 1.88MB) Robson. S, Brewer, A. Cooper, M.A.R. Clarke. T.A. Chen. J. Setan, H.B. Short, T. 1995., Seeing the wood from the trees - an example of optimised digital photogrammetric deformation detection. ISPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1. pp. 379-384. Clarke, T.A. Cooper M.A.R. & Chen, J. & Robson, S. 1994. Automated 3-D measurement using multiple CCD camera views. Photogrammetric Record. Vol. XV. No 86. pp. 315-322.(download pdf version 120KB) Clarke, T.A. Ellis, T.J. & Robson. S., 1994. High accuracy 3-D measurement using multiple camera views. IEE Colloquium Digest No. 1994/054. (download pdf version 112KB) Robson, S. Clarke, T.A. & Chen, J., 1993. The suitability of the Pulnix TM6CN CCD camera for photogrammetric measurement. Videometrics II, Conf. "Optical tools for manufacturing and advanced automation", SPIE Vol. 2067, pp 66-77. (download pdf version 373KB) Clarke, T.A. & Robson, S., 1993. Building a digital close range 3-D measuring system for under 5,000 pounds, Photogrammetric Record, 14(82): pp. 675-680. (download pdf version 1.78MB) Clarke, T.A. Robson, S. & Chen, J. 1993 A comparison of three techniques for the 3-D measurement of turbine blades. ISMTII , Wuhan, China, SPIE Vol 2101, pp. 1-12. (download pdf version 235KB) Clarke, T.A and X. Wang, An embedded metrology system for aerospace applications, CMSC 1999 (download pdf version 499KB) Clarke, T.A and X. Wang, The Control of a Robot End-effector using Photogrammetry, IAPRS Vol XXXIII, Amsterdam 2000. (download pdf version 255KB) X. Wang and T.A. Clarke, Determination of the six DOF parameters of CAD-based objects, ISPRS XXX (download pdf version 392KB) |  |  |  |  | Photogrammetric targets Clarke, T.A. Robson, S. Qu, D.N., Wang, X, Cooper, M.A.R. Taylor, R.N. 1995., The sequential tracking of targets in a remote experimental environment, ISPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1. pp. 80-85. (download pdf version 148KB) Clarke, T.A. 1994, An analysis of the properties of targets uses in digital close range photogrammetric measurement, Videometrics III. Boston. SPIE Vol. 2350. pp. 251- 262. (download pdf version 509KB) Clarke, T.A. & Katsimbris, A. 1994. The use of diode laser collimators for targeting 3-D objects, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXX(5): pp. 47-54. (download pdf version 496KB) | |  |  |  |  | Subpixel target image location techniques Shortis, M.R, Clarke, T.A., & Robson, S. 1995. Practical testing of the precision and accuracy of target centring algorithms, Videometrics IV. SPIE Vol. 2598. pp. 65-76. Clarke, T.A. & Wang, X. 1995. An analysis of subpixel target location accuracy using Fourier Transform based models. SPIE Vol. 2598. pp. 77-88. (download pdf version 425KB) Clarke, T.A. 1995., A frame-grabber related error in subpixel target location. Photogrammetric Record. Vol XV. No 86. pp. 315-322. (download pdf version 326KB) Shortis, M.R. Clarke, T.A., Short, T. 1994., A comparison of some techniques for the subpixel location of discrete target images, Videometrics III. Boston. SPIE Vol. 2350. pp. 239-250. (download pdf version 450KB) Clarke, T.A. Cooper, M.A.R. & Fryer, J.G., 1993. An estimator for the random error in subpixel target location and its use in the bundle adjustment. Optical 3-D measurements techniques II, Pub. Wichmann, Karlsruhe: pp. 161-168. (download pdf version 50.2KB) Chen. J. Clarke, T.A., 1992. Recognition and subpixel location of targets in digital photogrammetry. China conference of Youth, April. (download pdf version 3.12MB) Chen, J. & Clarke, T.A., 1992. The automatic location and identification of targets in digital photogrammetric engineering measurement. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XVII(5): pp. 686-693. West, G.A.W. and Clarke, T.A., 1990. A survey and examination of subpixel measurement techniques, ISPRS Int. Conf. on Close Range Photogrammetry and Machine Vision, SPIE Vol. 1395, pp 456 - 463. (download pdf version 3.92MB) | |  |  |  |  | Camera calibration Clarke, T.A. Fryer, J.F. Wang, X. 1998. The principal point for CCD cameras. Photogrammetric Record, 16(92): pp 293-312. (download pdf version 128KB) Clarke, T.A. & Fryer, J.F. 1998. The development of lens calibration methods and models. Photogrammetric Record, 16(91): pp 51-66. (download pdf version 59.7KB) Fryer, J.G. Clarke, T.A. & Chen, J., 1994. Lens distortion for simple 'C' mount lenses", International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30(5): pp. 97-101. (download pdf version 72.5KB) | |  |  |  |  | Correspondence Chen, J. Clarke, T.A. Cooper, M.A.R. Grattan, K.T.V.G. 1994., An optimised target matching based on a 3-D space intersection and a constrained search for multiple camera views, Videometrics III. Boston. SPIE Vol. 2350. pp. 324 - 335. Chen, J. Clarke, T.A. & Robson. S., 1993. An alternative to the epipolar method for automatic target matching in multiple images for 3-D measurement. Optical 3-D measurements techniques II, Pub. Wichmann, Karlsruhe: pp. 197-204. (download pdf version 3.44MB) | |  |  |  |  | Digital Signal Processing Gooch, R.M. Clarke, Pushpakumara, D.D.A., & Ellis, T.J., 1996. Driving a DSP underground. Proc DSP 96 Scandanavia. Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 159-168. | |  |  |  |  | Real-time 3-D measurement T.A. Clarke, & X. Wang, 1999. An real-time 3-D measurement system. CMSC 99 X. Wang & T.A. Clarke, 1999. 6DOF. ISPRS XXX X. Wang & T.A. Clarke, 1998. Separate adjustment of close range photogrammetric measurements. ISPRS Vol. XXXII, Part 5. pp. 177-184. (download pdf version 92.6KB) T. A. Clarke, L. Li, & X. Wang, 1998. 3D-Net - a new real-time photogrammetric system. ISPRS Vol. XXXII, Part 5. pp. 29-34. (download pdf version 229KB) T. A. Clarke, R. M. Gooch, D. D. A. P. Ariyawansa, X. Wang. 1997. 3D-NET - the development of a new real-time photogrammetric system. Videometrics, SPIE Vol 3174. pp. 222-233. (download pdf version 95.3KB) D.D.A. Pushpakumara, R.M Gooch, & T.A. Clarke, 1996, Real time image processing and data communication for a 3-D measurement system. 15th National Information Technology Conference, Computer Society of Sri Lanka. pp. 1-9. (download pdf version 64.9KB) Clarke, T.A. Staisiek, J. Franklin, R.N. and Sullivan, M. 1997. An image processing system for real-time 2-D and 3-D tracking of TLC particles. 5th UK National Conference on Heat Transfer, Imperial College, London, UK. Section F, 8 pages. (download pdf version 436KB) Wang, X. & Clarke, T.A. 1996. An algorithm for real-time 3-D measurement. ISPRS Vol 31. Part B5. pp. 587-592. (download pdf version 79KB) T.A. Clarke and R. Gooch, 1999. Real-time 3-D metrology for aerospace manufacture. Sensor Review, Volume 19, number 2. pp. 113-115 (download pdf version 87.8KB) | |  |  |  |  | Computer vision Pan. X, Ellis, T.J, Clarke. T.A., Robust tracking of circular features, BMVC 1995. pp. 553-562 (download pdf version 3.10MB) Pan, X. Clarke, T.A, Ellis. T.J. 1994., The detection and tracking of pipe joints in noisy images, Videometrics III, Boston. SPIE Vol. 2350. pp. 136-147. (download pdf version 5.20MB) | | |